Very low staffing levels are forcing the Bulkley Valley Pool in Smithers to close down on Sundays.
The board of directors says it’s hopeful that the Sunday closures will be short lived as it hopes to hire and train more staff as soon as possible.
Because of the popularity of the pool’s Sunday evening “Toonie Swim & Gym”, the pool will be offering the toonie swim on Saturdays from 5-7 p.m. during the Sunday closure.
The pool board is putting out a call to anyone with a connection to the facility or who may have thought about a career in aquatics to contact the pool or come in for a visit.
The Bulkley Valley pool will be hosting a free lifesaving skills workshop September 29 the for anyone over the age of 15 interested in becoming a lifeguard to have their swimming and lifesaving skills evaluated.Bukl