One Terrace based school is looking to make life in the city a little bit easier for children with disabilities.
According to data from 2008’s Measuring Up the North, 86 percent of Terrace residents say they know someone with a disability, and a whopping 68 percent believe the city is not accessible to those with disabilities.
Veritas Catholic School is hoping to make a dent in those numbers with their Inclusive and Accessible Playground Project.
A representative from the school stood before City Council yesterday seeking a letter of support for their Jumpstart accessibility grant application.
Some of the new improvements the new playground would feature include: a pour-in-place rubber surface to make it easier on wheelchairs and strollers, molded swing seats with harnesses, ramp access, a global motion spinner, and much more.
Acquiring the Jumpstart grant would cover between 90 and 95 percent of the total 823 thousand dollar project cost.