On the heels of the federal government announcing their hopes to band single-use plastics, Terrace Council was faced with a similar situation.
During yesterday’s regular meeting, Council was asked to decide whether or not city staff should undergo research into a single-use plastic ban of their own.
But many councillors were quick to point out the flaws in doing so.
While Councillor Cordeiro was particularly prepared with scientific studies of the negative or ineffective bans of such products elsewhere, other councillors also had concerns.
Councillors Christiansen and Downie joined Cordeiro in their belief that the decision to use the products should be up to the consumer, not government.
Councillor Bujtas was quick to point out that the City doing anything now could just be a waste of resources, with the federal government already on the case.
In the end, the idea was struck down with Councillors Ramsay, Bujtas, Cordeiro, and Downie all voting against it.