Yo ho ho, ahoy mateys! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Here’s a chance for all you buccaneers to have some fun today! I went to change me Facebook language settings to pirate, but blow me down, they’ve removed that option! The scurvy dogs! So instead of changing ye Facebook settings, how about some pirate lingo ye can actually insert into your posts!
Here’s some pirate lingo for you to use today:
Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! | Pirate catch phrase of grumbling or disgust |
Ahoy! | Hello! |
Ahoy, Matey | Hello, my friend! |
Ahoy, Me Hearties! | Hello, my friends, crew members, etc.; addressed to group |
Avast Ye | Pay attention and check this out! |
Aye | Yes |
Aye, Aye | A crew member says this to the Captain, meaning “I will get that done right away!” |
Batten Down The Hatches | Tie everything down and put stuff away for a coming storm. |
Bilge-Sucking | An insulting expression of disdain |
Blimey! | Surprise, shock |
Blow me down! | Phrase of amazement or shock |
Booty | A treasure |
Bounty | A reward for capturing a known criminal, such as a pirate |
Bucko | Friend, a pirate, same as a buccaneer |
Chantey | Song sung together by sailors or pirates in unison, while they work |
Crow’s Nest | A small lookout platform near the mast to see long distances |
Doubloons | Types of Spanish gold coins piratesfind |
Fire in the Hole | Warning given to crew before a cannon is fired |
Gangplank | Removable ramp between the pier and ship |
Hang the Jib | Frown or pout |
Head | Potty or toilet on a pirate ship |
Hearties | Friends, fellow comrades or sailors |
Heave Ho | Put your weight and muscle into it |
Hornswaggle | Cheat or defraud someone out of assets or money |
Lad, lass, lassie | A kid or young person |
Landlubber | An inexperienced or clumsy person who doesn’t have any sailing skills |
Loot | Stolen money or belongings |
Marooned | To be abandoned with no food, drink, or possessions |
Me | My |
Old Salt | Experienced pirate or sailor |
Run a Rig | Play a joke or a trick on someone |
Savvy? | A question asking, “Do you get it?” or “Do you understand?” |
Scallywag | A kidding type of word that a superior pirate might call one of the rookie pirates |
Scurvy Dog | The pirate is calling you an insulting name |
Shipshape | The ship is managed and clean, everything is under control |
Shiver Me Timbers! | Something like, “Holy Cow!” a surprised or shocked expression |
Son of a Biscuit Eater | A name or insult for someone you dislike |
Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen! | An order to the crew to pull up the anchor and get this ship sailing! |
Ye | You |
Yo Ho Ho! | A cheery expression to get someone’s attention |
Savvy, me hearties? Aye!
Back to me chanteys!