The District of Kitimat is replacing the Haisla Bridge.
The bridge was originally built in 1954 and is currently operating at the end of its intended design life. It currently requires extensive and ongoing maintenance to remain functional. The Haisla Bridge serves as a critical corridor between the community, industry, and natural environments. The new bridge would also mitigate the potential for a future failure or closure of the existing bridge.
The Government of Canada, through Western Economic Diversification Canada, has allocated $55 million in funding to the District to cover costs for the construction of a new two-lane bridge adjacent. The new bridge that will be adjacent to the old Haisla Bridge will provide a safer crossing as well as, dedicated walking and cycling facilities and improved access to the trail networks.
Construction is expected to begin in spring of 2021 and the new bridge will open in 2023. Demolition of the old bridge will happen shortly after the new one opens.