On this episode
Christina Fodor – Tricorp
On this episode of TRICORP Talks
Pre-Employment Income Assistance Program
is for assigned band communities and community members that are on Income Assistance only.
- Pre-requirements a band council resolution or letter of commitment from an assigned first nations community Chief and Council.
- The Band Social Development Worker will assess the client and determine if they are eligible to participate in Pre-employment supports and refer clients to us based on age, gender, etc. Age range will be between18 – 64
- Once intake is complete, the case worker will work with the client to complete a Pre-Employment Support Assessment based on the client’s skills, barriers, and needs. This Assessment is used to help determine the client’s eligibility and the supports that may be required to transition to employment or education.
The Pre-Employment Assessment must:
- Comprehensively evaluate the skills and barriers of the client, considering their work history; skills and education; basic literacy/numeracy; job seeking ability, including access to housing, transportation, phone/internet, childcare; physical and mental health;
- Indicate the length of time the client is anticipated to require pre-employment supports.
- Include a statement confirming the client’s eligibility to receive supports and services through pre-employment supports funding; and,
- Be signed by the client in order to confirm that they understand their responsibilities in participating in Pre-employment Supports.
- Housing
- Education skill set
- Mental health
- Addictions
- Legal issues
- Financial issues
Action Plan
The information gathered from the Pre-Employment Supports Assessment becomes the basis for the development of a client’s personalized Action Plan. The Action Plan is an essential component of a client’s Pre-Employment Supports journey, and is developed jointly by the caseworker and the client. The client’s Action Plan outlines the client’s commitment to participate in Case Management and Pre-Employment Supports and includes the activities the client commits to complete , and the services that they will receive (e.g. transportation to training), in order to develop their skills and address barriers to participation in employment and education. Action Plans should be tailored according to each individual client’s needs, aspirations, as well as barriers, with some client’s requiring more intervention than others and may consider programs for example:
- Essential Skills
- Life Skills
- Counseling Supports
- Cultural Supports
- Transitional Supports
- Literacy Course
- Budgeting
- Work skills training
- Safety tickets
- Drivers education
- Other short term courses.
To reach their goals they may also need assistance with:
- Childcare
- Identification
- Work gear
This development time with clients is to provide them with some of the basic skills that will lead to the opportunity for employment or further training. The goal we feel is to work with clients, build up their self-esteem and encourage them to explore more opportunities for themselves and their families. Provide the tools to move forward on that path.