MP Taylor Bachrach talked about none other than Kiefer today in the House of Commons!
Thanks for “Kiefing it Real” Taylor!
“Mr. Speaker, cultural events lie at the heart of life in Northwest BC, whether it’s the All-Native Basketball Tournament in Prince Rupert, or Hobiyee in the Nass Valley, having these events cancelled by the pandemic has been hard on folks. But now people have found a reason to come together virtually because Kiefer Collison, the voice of CFNR and the All-Native has made it to the final week of the reality show Big Brother Canada. Proud Haida-born and raised on Old Massett, Kiefer’s huge smile, signature mullet, and generosity of spirit reflect the best of the Northwest.
His time on Big Brother is teaching Canada who Indigenous people truly are, erasing stereotypes, and bringing people together. Here at home, store windows are decorated and people of all ages are wearing Kief It Real real t-shirts to cheer him on.
Mr. Speaker, the pandemic has been overwhelming and stressful for many, so when there are small things that bring joy, it’s worth embracing them. Best of luck Kiefer, and as Kiefer says ‘Love, Peace and Oolichan Grease.'”
Way to go Kiefer, bringing home BBCAN, Way to Represent ❤🖤
This has bin a great way to come together in spirit of unity. Way to be Kiefer. So very proud of you Kiefer. Showing the country and surrounding countries who indigenous people are has bin a privilege to come together virtually to stand proud. Other countries making comments like this has got to be the best Big Brother season yet and all rooting for you Kiefer. Dungdi kwi ii dung, thank you for playing your part in our world 🌎❤ Sending positive thoughts for Kief. We are singing our Nisga’a songs calling our ancestors, pulling down the luck from the starts guiding you Kief, you are really in tune and aware Kief on Kiefing on Kiefer, with you all the way.