Moving forward, staff and elected officials in the City of Terrace will be undertaking Indigenous cultural awareness and knowledge training.
Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #57 calls for all levels of government to provide public servants with education on the history and legacy of Aboriginal Peoples.
Last night, Council voted unanimously to approve a related Learning Implementation Plan, and allocate funding for related activities.
A draft of the plan presented to Council splits it in to two sections: training, and communication.
Included in the training section are activities such as online history, awareness, and anti-racism programs for the short term.
But it also includes more long-term plans such as “lunch and learns” and experiential learning opportunities with local First Nations.
While it mostly revolves around sensitivity and awareness efforts, the plan’s communication section will also see some changes to the wording of City documents.
Council has agreed to allocate 15,000 dollars toward funding activities outlined in the program.
While the program will not be mandatory, expectations are for all staff to at least partake in the training section of the plan.