Recognizing that the information in this announcement and article could be traumatic or painful to many, the Williams Lake First Nation has prepared a wellness support booklet, found at this link.
Results from phase one of the Williams Lake First Nations’ probe in to the ground under a former Residential School will be released today.
Between 1886 and 1981, members of the Nation were among those forced to attend the St Joseph’s Mission, operated by the Catholic Church.
Last June, the Nation began a geophysical investigation in to the site, to confirm the existence of potential burials.
At 1:00 today, the Nation will announce the findings from the first of 470 hectares to be probed during the investigation.
The announcement will be livestreamed over the Nation’s Facebook page, linked here.
Last week, Ottawa announced they would be releasing more than 850,000 new and updated documents to the National Centre for Truth an Reconciliation.
Many Nations believe these documents may help them begin to put names to some of the victims.