Welcome to another episode of journeys with me your host Kelly Kenny. For this evening show I was able to sit down with Buffy MacNeil.
Buffy was born in Arichat, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Arichat, Cape Breton is the traditional ancestral and unseeded territories of the mi’kmaq.
Buffy McNeil’s musical roots are inspired by her Scottish Acadian and mi’kmaq ancestry.
I would like to introduce a song that Buffy has wrote from her teachings and conversations from Dr. Isabel Knockwood.
Not only is Buffy a songwriter she is also a multi nominated singer, advocate and educator for indigenous youth. Her song “Somebody Pray” was written to honour who have attended Indian residential schools and those whom are healing from atrocities set forth upon our people.
I would like to give a warning that this beautiful song could possibly cause an emotional response and to reach out if you need support.
I felt this song needed to be heard as our people move through grief; please know you are not alone. Our loved ones need us and we need to call and let someone know you are in need of help.