Forecasted weather changes have prompted the Wildfire Service to issue an open fire ban in the Northwest Fire Centre.
Covering the Nadina and Bulkley Fire Zones, and the old Kalum District portion of the Skeena Fire Zone, the ban will take effect at noon on Friday.
It will cover both Category two and three fires until conditions become more favourable.
Category three fires are those which are larger than two metres high by three metres wide, and stubble or grass fires larger than 0.2 hectares.
According to the Wildfire Service, while conditions are cool for now, low humidity combined with high winds, and a forecasted warming are the cause of the ban.
Hi Folks,
I have many memories of 40 years in Forestry. particularly in MOF fire protection.
I know why there are class 2 and class 3 fire restrictions, especially with the high winds…., it’s common sense. In the last 43 of 45 years, I have successfully completed hazard reduction by burning grass (usually by April 14th, but with global warming that window seems to be delayed by 5-10 days). Those other 2 times I couldn’t burn in time. I usually burn off the grass around my home and property, typically late evenings when FFM picks up, any winds usually die down, and other conditions like snow are still present in the timber. Given the recent history of extreme fires in this region, I feel this real hazard deserves prompt attention. I know this sounds like going back to the permit system, but those persons that start fires are still responsible for any additional resources to combat any escapes and damages.
Please allow us to help ourselves by lifting the ban asap.
Keep it GREEN, cheers,
thank you
Keith Van Tine