Relocating pedestrian walkways along Lanfear Hill could both improve pedestrian safety, and allow for the widening of the road.
That conclusion comes from a recently completed feasibility study launched by the City of Terrace in February.
That study came following years of failing to secure funding for a complete reconstruction of Lanfear Drive, and a 2020 closure due to continued instability.
Now, City Council have authorized a detailed design plan to construct a multi-use elevated pathway on the inside, upslope, side of the road.
That proposal would see a 3 metre wide pathway, accessible by both pedestrians and cyclists, built in to the hill.
While the plan would improve pedestrian safety, it would do little to add stability to the hill, though it also wouldn’t harm it further.
It would, however, allow for the elimination of the existing pedestrian shoulder, allowing for the road to be widened to around 9 metres.
All slope failures reported in recent years have been on the lower slope, and not the upper slope, and the use of soil anchors and mesh could slightly improve stability.
Along with the design plan, Council also approved an application for grant funding for both the on-going Lanfear roundabout plan and the pathway as one project, from the Union of BC Municipalities.