In order to raise awareness of the at risk homeless community that lives in downtown Terrace, the Gitlaxdax Nisga’a Terrace Society will be hosting a community outreach walk.
The walk will be taking place on August 3rd and it will start at 9:30 in the morning.
The official starting place of the walk will be at the GNTS’s main building, whose address is 101-4441 Lakelse Avenue and after introductions take place, the walk will take place sometime after 10 AM.
The walk route will see the participants travel essentially in a circle along Grieg street, Lazelle avenue, Davis avenue as well as Kallum and Hazel street.
James Harry Sr, an outreach/peer support worker who supports Haisla people struggling with substance issues, has also been invited to event and is expected to share some of his experience and knowledge during the walk.