With World Suicide Prevention Day coming up on September 10th, an event on the internet is being held to help educate people on an area of the subject that is very important but also rather tricky in terms of figuring out how to do it properly.
A webinar is going to be held on September 6th by the Crisis Centre of BC and it will be called “How to Support Someone Who’s Attempted Suicide”.
As the title of the event would suggest, people at the webinar will be learning not only how to discuss pain and suicide but also how to help someone recover and heal from an attempted suicide.
The event’s organizers have stated that they hope that friends and family of suicide survivors attend the event along with mental health professionals and social service providers so that they can discuss suicide in a practical manner.
If you or someone you know is in crisis, the Crisis Centre of BC has a mental support line, which is 310-6789 and no area code is required, as well as a suicide hotline, which is 1-800-784-2433.