Welcome to Journeys with Kelly Kenny. This episode carries a heavy subject matter and its one that we should not shy away from … not anymore or any longer than we have. We are talking about addictions and mental health. I was able to speak to Tarea from the Kermode Outreach Department and Abbey from Intensive Case Management Team (ICMT) from Northern Health. I felt and know that the general public wants more help with the situation we are all in; not enough resources to help the marginalized groups or knowing where to ask for help. So todays episode will enlighten us on how we the public can be more of service or knowledge on where to direct people for said assistance. I will make sure to share the phone numbers for both resources and on the webpage there will be links to the stated resources.
Kermode Outreach : http://www.kermodefriendship.ca/
Kermode Outreach PHONE: 250-631-2841
Northern Health ICMT: http://www.northernhealth.ca/services/menta…ment-team-icmt
Northern Health ICMT PHONE: 250-631-4647