Welcome to Journeys with Kelly Kenny. Tonights guest is an up and coming Canadian Pop Artist, Terez! Our conversation went so well we have to have two parts and tonight is part two. You can find part one of Terez’s interview at www.cfnrfm.ca/journeys/ I am completely blown away by her talent and how hard she works on honing her skills as a producer. Did you know our female music producers only make up 2.8% … I couldn’t believe this but also know its a tough career but! This only entices Terez as she doesn’t shy away from difficult subjects. Her music is a blend of pop and R&B with a punk edge. Her latest music video Luv2h8 is a recollection of a memory that Terez wanted to reenact and take that power back so to speak. We have all seen or been bullied and to know how healing her video is for Terez makes me realize we all should stand up when we see something hateful or demeaning. I cannot wait for you to hear Terez’s positive message.
Here is her website: