Another First Nations-led LNG project in the Northwest has received provincial approval to enter into the environmental assessment process.
Chief Executive Assessment Officer Elenore Arend has issued a positive readiness decision for the Ksi Lisims LNG project.
Planned for Pearse Island, west of Gingolx, the project is being proposed by the Nisga’a Nation and their partners: Rockies LNG, and Western LNG.
It is expected to produce 12 million tonnes of LNG annually, over a nearly 40 year life span.
As part of the readiness decision process, a consensus was reached with four participating Nations: the Nisga’a, Gitga’at, Gitxaala, and Kitselas.
Issues related to greenhouse gas emissions and the assessment of cumulative effects prevented a consensus with the Kitsumkalum Nation.
But, it’s the Lax Kw’alaams Band that remains the project’s staunchest opponent, despite a now-concluded dispute resolution process.
According to the Environmental Assessment Office, most concerns brought forward by both Nations will be addressed in later stages of the process.
With the readiness decision in hand, the project will now enter into an 18-month review process to obtain an Environmental Assessment Certificate.
You can find the full decision at this link, and the report which preceded it here.