With the province getting set to close off BC Mining Month, a pair of organizations are highlighting the industry’s risks and shortcomings.
That comes via the BC Mining Law Reform Network and SkeenaWild Conservation Trust’s Dirty Dozen report.
Released every two years, the report profiles the twelve mining projects in BC most likely to negatively impact sensitive ecosystems.
This year’s list includes the KSM and Anyox Mines near Stewart, the Tulsequah Chief south of Atlin, the abandoned Yellow Giant on Banks Island, and Telkwa Coal.
It also includes a number of operations in the Cariboo, including Gibraltar, Mount Polley, and Bonanza Ledge.
But the list is capped off with BC’s very own free-entry mineral claims staking process.
That process is the subject of an on-going legal challenge filed by the Gitxaala Nation and the Ehattesaht First Nation.
They are seeking to overturn a process which fails to consult with First Nations prior to mining claims being issued by the Province.