Emergency water main repairs in Prince Rupert are prompting a precautionary boil water notice, and a possible loss of water for some residents.
Issued at the request of Northern Health, the notice is due to the potential for repair work on Frederick Street to impact water quality and services.
While the system has not shown signs of contamination yet, the possible impacts of the work on the aging lines is uncertain.
With the Crestview supply line out of commission during construction, the Frederick line is the main connection for a large portion of the city.
Residents east of the 6th Avenue bridge and Drydock Road will also notice significantly reduced water pressure beginning at 9:00 tonight.
A complete loss of water is also possible as crews conduct repairs overnight in an effort to reduce construction impacts during waking hours.
Further and more substantial disruptions may also pop up depending on the condition of the pipes in the area.
While under a boil water notice, residents should boil water for at least one minute and allow to cool prior to consumption, use in food prep, or for brushing teeth.
Residents in the area highlighted on the map below may experience low pressure and possibly further disruptions.
Directions for residents under a boil water notice can be found here, and directions for establishments which serve food here.