The Village of Burns Lake has implemented a new video surveillance policy to ensure the safety of its staff and the public at Village facilities. The policy outlines the standards for the installation, use, access, and disclosure of surveillance footage, in compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Community Charter.
While the village acknowledges that video surveillance could infringe on privacy, the policy aims to strike a balance between privacy rights and the need to enhance safety. The policy applies to all permanent surveillance systems owned or managed by the Village, excluding cameras used for temporary events or meetings.
Key principles of the policy include clear justification for the introduction or expansion of surveillance systems, the consideration of less intrusive security methods, and the collection of personal data only when addressing significant issues. Any footage captured will be stored for a minimum of 30 days unless it pertains to an incident, in which case it may be retained for up to one year.
The village also emphasizes protecting personal information collected through the systems and ensuring that it is only used in accordance with privacy regulations.