Welcome to Journeys to Kelly Kenny. Tonights guest is a very special one, Our very own Ashley Pimlott. Ashley was born and raised here in lovely quaint Terrace, B.C., She currently resides in Terrace raising her family in the Great Boreal Rainforest. Not only does Ashley work for CFNR she is also a small business owner; HOMETOWN HOLISTICS (www.facebook.com/Inspirational.Influences) Ashley came to CFNR through the second CFNR and Tricorp Media Course that was held last year July and August 2022. After the graduation Ashley was gunning for the job as she really really wanted. It was during this time that Ashley realized how much she loved broadcasting! And we are elated to have Ashley here with us as you will hear how inviting and engaging Ashley really is! Now I have to warn you … There is 3 parts to this conversation. I interviewed Ashley at the beginning of the course and again at the end of the course and the last segment will be Ashley speaking to the last 3 months of her employment here at CFNR. Buckle up because after the short break you are about to meet Ashley Pimlott here on Journeys with Kelly Kenny.
Ashley Pimlott CFNR Staff – Journeys with Kelly Kenny
By Rob Young
Jan 11, 2023 | 2:10 PM
Emergency Department closed in Burns Lake till tomorrow 8am
Burns Lake and area residents are advised that Emergency Department services at Lakes District Hospital will be interrupted between 4:00 pm today (Friday, January 3) and 8:00 am Saturday, January 4 due to staffing challenges. People in the Lakes Dist...
Kobie Smith
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