Ten schools in the Cariboo and two in the North reported potential Covid-19 exposures in September.
School exposure notices are reported to Authorities by the schools, which the Authority then posts as a notice.
In the North, Silverthorne Elementary in Houston, and Bulkley Valley Christian School in Smithers each reported exposures.
In Williams Lake, exposures were reported at Cataline, Nesika, and Chilcotin Road Elementary Schools, as well as Lake City Secondary’s Columneetza Campus, and Sacred Heart Catholic School.
Hundred Mile saw reports at Peter Skene Ogden Secondary, Hundred Mile Elementary, and the PSO Storefront School.
150 Mile House Elementary, and 108 Mile Elementary also had outbreaks.
You can find exact reports on when outbreaks occurred, as well as up-to-date info on the individual Health Authority websites below: