The Tears to Hope Society and Matriarchs In Training invite you to join them for the Women’s Memorial March on February 14. We will start marching outside City Hall in Terrace at noon in honour of our missing and murdered loved ones. A hot meal will be provided afterwards in the
Tillicum Twin Theatre parking lot. Please join us as we march towards a more hopeful future. For details visit the Tears to Hope Society Facebook page. Brought to you by Tears to Hope Society, Matriarchs in
Training, Aboriginal Buzz, Tillicum Twin Theatre, Kermode Friendship Society, and proudly supported by CFNR.
Women’s Memorial March
By Tania Vance
Jan 28, 2022 | 12:06 PM
Terrace Sewer Main Upgrade in Southside
In Terrace Crews will be working over the next two months to upsize the main sewer line that leads into the City's sewage treatment plant, with the project expected to be completed by the end of March. To ensure the safe operation of the sewer system...
Sabrina Spencer
7h ago