Attendees at the Assembly of First Nations Annual General Assembly voted largely in favour of nixing National Chief RoseAnne Archibald’s suspension.
Archibald led the grand procession to kick off the two days of meetings yesterday, despite her suspension from last month.
She had been suspended by the Assembly while they investigate claims of harassment and bullying made by four staff members.
But, Archibald says the staff members are actually seeking million dollar contract payouts, and says the claims are an attempt to silence her.
Her suspension came down after she accused the AFN of corruption and collusion, and called for a forensic audit into their last 8 years of operations.
When a resolution was brought forward at the assembly to validate the suspension, the majority of leaders opposed the decision.
It’s the first of three resolutions on the topic being brought forward at the Assembly.
The other two call for an immediate end to the suspension, while backing her calls for an audit, and for a vote of non-confidence in Archibald for breaking confidentiality.