Opposition MPs have taken issue with the Liberal Government picking and choosing who gets to be on a proposed Reconciliation Council.
Bill C-29, introduced by the Liberals last year, aims to create an independent oversight body to report on the progress of reconciliation.
Under the legislation, a council made up of up to 15 directors chosen by the Assembly of First Nations, Métis National Council, and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.
But, a Conservative amendment to include the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples as a voice for urban Indigenous populations was struck by the Liberals.
Both Conservative and NDP MPs spoke against the decision in debate, calling it an attempt by government to pick and choose who gets a seat on the council.
According to the Liberals, this was an attempt to de-politicize the issue by only allowing the main 3 National Indigenous bodies.
Despite the disagreement, all parties agreed on most other points during third reading, and the Bill looks to soon be adopted.